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Tuesday, May 19, 2015


1- Which novel is not written by Jane Austen? 

A- Emma b- the chimes c- Persuation d- Mansfield Park e- none these

2- Shaw wrote more than: 

a- 30 plays b- 40 plays c- 50 plays d- 60 plays e- none of these

3- Shaw died at the age of: 

a- 75 b- 85 c- 95 d- 105 e- none of these

4- Jack Worthing is a character created by: 

a- Shaw b- Dickens c- Browning d- Hardy e- none of these

5- Adam Bede is a: 

a- Play b- Novel c- short storey d- Poem e- none of these

6- Dickens sprang to fame with a publication of: 

a- Hard Times b- David Copperfield c- pickwick papers d- Great Expectations e- none of these

7- Who served as an Irish senator for two terms? 

A- Wilde b- Shaw c- Ibsen d- Yeats e- none of these

8- John Bull’s Other Island is written by: 

a- Shaw b- Wilde c- Hemingway d- Beckett e- none of these

9- Lilliputians symbolize excessive human: 

a- Jealousy b- confidence c- pride d- Ego e- none of these

10- Houyhnhnms represent life governed by sense and: 

a- moderation b- patience c- understanding d- compromise e-none of these

11- Cordelia’s chief characteristic is her: 

a- beauty b- devotion c- sympathy d- kindness e- none of these

12- Henry Higgins is a character in: 

a- Pygmalian b- saint joan c- major Barbara d- candida e-none of these

13- Eliot worked for Faber and Faber as a/an: 

a- assistant b- director c- writer d- editor e- none of these

14- Wordsworth was appointed as poet Laureate in: 

a- 1843 b-1844 c-1845 d-1846 e- none of these

15- Hemingway was a great fan of: 

a- Cricket b- baseball c- softball d- football e- none of these

16- Jude the Obscure is a: 

a- comedy b- tragedy c- tragic-comedy d- black comedy e- none of these

17- Eliot was influenced by: 

a- Ezra Pound b- shaw c- Hardy d- Wilde e- none of these

18- Who became the poet Laureate of England and Ireland during the reign of Queen Victoria? 

A- Tennyson b- Browning c- Hardy d- Lawrence e- none of these

19- Hemingway also worked as a: 

a- Carpenter b- Painter c- surgeon d- Driver e- none of these

20- “Tales from Shakespeare” is written by: 

a- Shakespeare b- Lamb c- Lawrence d- Mary anne evans e- none of these

Saturday, May 16, 2015


1- Lyrical Ballads opens with;

a- Tintern Abbey
b- Michael
c- Dejection: an Ode
d- Rime of Ancient Mariner e- Immortality Ode.

2- Besides the French Revolution the effect on Romantic Revolution:

a- American Revolution
b- Napoleonic wars
c- Industrial Revolution
d- Peasant’s Revolt
e- The defeat of the Spanish armada.

3- William Blake’s /Song’s of ----------‘ counterbalance his ‘Songs of Experience’.

A- Love
b- childhood
c- past
d- Inexperience
e- Innocence

4- Geraldine is a character of the poem;

a- Lucy Grey
b- The Thorn
c- Christabel
d- Frost at midnight
e- the last of the flock

5- ‘kubla khan’ is a poem which reflects a---------strain in Choleridge’s poetry.

A- Intellectual
b- magical
c- melancholic
d- pessimistic
e- philosophical

6- Keats’ poem Endymion is based on ------ mythology.

A- Greek
b- Roman
c- celtic
d- Scandanavian
e- Indian

7- Byron’s journey to Spain, Malta, Albania and Greece resulted in the production of the first two cantos of his poem:

a- cain
b- childe Herald’s Pilgrimage
c- Don Juan
d- the prisoner of Chillon
e- The Seige of Corinth

8- In Don Juan Byron used:

a- blank verse
b- couplets
c- ottava rima
d- refrain
e- terza rima

9- Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University on the charge of being a(n):

a- anarchist
c- commonist
d- nazi
e- traitor

10- Adonais was an elegy Shelley wrote in 1821 on the death of:

a- Keats
b- Byron
c- Arthur Hugh Clough
d- Thomas Love Peacock
e- William Hazlit

11- Confessions of an English Opium Eater was written by: 

a- Charles Lamb
b- John Ruskin
c- Maria Edgeworth
d- Thomas Carlyle
e- Thomas
e Quencey

12- Elia was the pseudonym used by Charles Lamb for getting his works published in:

a- London magazine
b- The New York Times
c- The Mirror
d- The spectator
e- the Sun

13- Tennyson created a medieval world in his poem:

a- in memoriam
b- the lady of Shalott
c- the lotus eaters
d- tithonus
e- Ulyssess

14- Arthur Hugh Clough became an inspiration for Mathew Arnold’s work:

a- the buried life
b- dover beach
c- culture and anarchy
d- the scholor gypsy
e- essays on criticism

15- ------------- is an attack by Ruskin on the Philistines.

A- modern painters
b- stones of Venice
c- seven lamps of architecture
e- praeterita

16- Dickens’ first novel which focused on the specific social ills was:

a- the Christmas carol
b- david copperfield
c- great expectatios
d-oliver twist
e- a tale of two cities

17- G Eliot’s novels show her concern for the character’s----------- problems.

A- economic
b- moral
d- spiritual e social

18- Dickens’ novels combine--------- and melodrama.

A- journalism


1. Carl Sandburg 'Planked whitefish' contains what kind of imagery?

a. Sea scenes
b. Rural Idyll
c. War
d. Innocent childhood

2. Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?

a. Emily Dickinson
b. Paul Dunbar
c. John Greenleaf Whittier
d. Walt Whitman

3. In 1960 'The Colossus' was the first book of poems published by which poetess?

a. Elizabeth Bishop
b. Sylvia Plath
c. Marianne Moore
d. Laura Jackson

4. In his poem Kipling said 'If you can meet with triumph and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '?

a. Glory
b. Ruin
c. Disaster
d. victory

5. Which of the following is not a literary device used for aesthetic effect in poetry?

a. Assonance
b. Onomatopaea
c. Rhyme
d. Grammar

6. True or false: Writing predates poetry.

a. True
b. False

7. What is the earliest surviving European poem?

a. The Homeric epic
b. The Gilgamesh epic
c. The Deluge epic
d. The Hesiodic ode

8. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?

a. The Epic
b. The Comic
c. The Occult
d. The Tragic

9. What is the study of poetry's meter and form called?

a. Prosody
b. Potology
c. Rheumatology
d. Scansion


1. Why did the rebels of 1381 target the church, beheading the archbishop of Canterbury?

a) Their leaders were Lollards, advocating radical religious reform.
b) The common people were still essentially pagan.
c) They believed that writing, a skill largely confined to the clergy, was a form of black magic.
d) The church was among the greatest of oppressive landowners.
e) a and c only

2. Which influential medieval text purported to reveal the secrets of the afterlife?

a) Dante's Divine Comedy
b) Boccaccio's Decameron
c) The Dream of the Rood
d) Chaucer's Legend of Good Women
e) Gower's Confessio Amantis

3. Who is the author of Piers Plowman?

a) Sir Thomas Malory
b) Margery Kempe
c) Geoffrey Chaucer
d) William Langland
e) Geoffrey of Monmouth

4. What event resulted from the premature death of Henry V?
a) the Battle of Agincourt
b) the Battle of Hastings
c) the Norman Conquest
d) the Black Death
e) the War of the Roses

5. Which literary form, developed in the fifteenth century, personified vices and virtues?

a) the short story
b) the heroic epic
c) the morality play
d) the romance
e) the limerick

6. Which of the following statements about Julian of Norwich is true?

a) She sought unsuccessfully to restore classical paganism.
b) She was a virgin martyr.
c) She is the first known woman writer in the English vernacular.
d) She made pilgrimages to Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago.
e) She probably never met Margery Kempe.

7. Which of the following authors is considered a devotee to chivalry, as it is personified in Sir Lancelot?

a) Julian of Norwich
b) Margery Kempe
c) William Langland
d) Sir Thomas Malory
e) Geoffrey Chaucer
8.what was the occupation of Chaucer's father?
a. leather merchant
b.civil servant
c. a vintner

9. Chaucer became a page to which king's daughter-in-law?

a. Edward III
b. Richard II
c. Henry IV

10. which of these is not certain about Chaucer?

a. his birth date
b. his death year
c. his father's name

11. which of these kings was not served by Chaucer?

a. Edward III
b. Henry II
c. Richard II

12.what was the duration of hundred year's war?

a.1300 to 1350
b.1337 to 1453
c. 1302 to 1343

13.what did Chaucer's wife use to do?

a. lady-in-waiting to Queen Philip pa of Hainaut
b. nurse of royal court
c. governess to Henry IV of Chaucer's daughter was............?

a. a musician
b. an astronomer
c. a nun

15. in which year Chaucer was imprisoned by the French?

a. 1360
b. 1357
c. 1378

16. Chaucer was fined in 1367 or 1366 for..............?

a. beating a friar in a London street
b. for writing poetry against the church
c. for crossing the border of Great Britain

17. Chaucer was made in-charge of many palaces,which of these was not in his charge?

a. Westminster Palace
b. Tower of London
c. St. George's chapel at Windsor
d. Buckingham Palace

18. Chaucer acted as a controller of custom during.............?
a. 1374 to 1385
b. 1350 to 1360
c. 1360 to 1400

19. Chaucer was released from legal action by ........................ in a deed of May 1, 1380 from rape and abduction?

a. Miss Cecily Chaumpaigne
b. Philippa de Roet of Flanders
c. Agnes de Copton

20. Chaucer became a member of Parliament in...........?

a. 1386
b. 1300
c. 1343

21. Chaucer buried in a corner of Westminster, which came to know as.........?

a. Chaucer's corner
b. poet's corner
c. legend's corner

22. what was chaucer's profession?
a. a poet
b. a merchant
c. a civil servant

23) One of Marlowe's earliest published works was his translation of the epic poem 'Pharsalia', written by which Roman poet?


24) Marlowe's poem 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love' begins with the line "Come live with me and be my love"; which other English author wrote a famous poem beginning with this line?

a)William Shakespeare
b)Thomas Kyd
c)John Dryden
d)John Donne

25)In Marlowe's play, what was the name of the Jew of Malta?


26 How many years of happiness was Dr Faustus promised by the Devil?


27) Which of these Kings was the subject of a play by Marlowe?

a)Henry V
b)Richard III
c)Edward II

28)One of Marlowe's most famous poems was an account of which lovers?

a)Anthony and Cleopatra
b)Hero and Leander
c)Troilus and Cressida
d)Apollo and Hyacinth

29) Marlowe's play 'Tamburlaine the Great' was based loosely on the life of which Asian ruler?

a)Zhu Yuanzhang
b)Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan

30)What was the title of the play by Marlowe that portrayed the events surrounding the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572?
a)The Massacre at Berlin
b)The Massacre at Rome
c)The Massacre at Copenhagen
d)The Massacre at Paris


1. Which people began their invasion and conquest of south western Britain around 450?

a) the Normans
b) the Geats
c) the Celts
d) the Anglo-Saxons
e) the Danes

2. Words from which language began to enter English vocabulary around the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066?

a) French
b) Norwegian
c) Spanish
d) Hungarian
e) Danish

3. Which hero made his earliest appearance in Celtic literature before becoming a staple subject in French, English, and German literature?

a) Beowulf
b) Arthur
c) Caedmon
d) Augustine of Canterbury
e) Alfred

4. Toward the close of which century did English replace French as the language of conducting business in Parliament and in court of law?

a) tenth
b) eleventh
c) twelfth
d) thirteenth
e) fourteenth

5. Which king began a war to enforce his claims to the throne of France in 1336?

a) Henry II
b) Henry III
c) Henry V
d) Louis XIV
e) Edward III

6. Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry?

a) Bede
b) Sir Thomas Malory
c) Geoffrey Chaucer
d) Caedmon
e) John Gower

7. What was vellum?

a) parchment made of animal skin
b) the service owed to a lord by his peasants ("villeins")
c) unrhymed iambic pentameter
d) an unbreakable oath of fealty
e) a prized ink used in the illumination of prestigious manuscripts

8. Only a small proportion of medieval books survive, large numbers having been destroyed in:

a) the Anglo-Saxon Conquest beginning in the 1450s.
b) the Norman Conquest of 1066.
c) the Peasant Uprising of 1381.
d) the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 1530s.
e) the wave of contempt for manuscripts that followed the beginning of printing in 1476.

9. What is the first extended written specimen of Old English?

a) Boethius's Consolidation of Philosophy
b) Saint Jerome's translation of the Bible
c) Malory's Morte Darthur
d) Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People
e) a code of laws promulgated by King Ethelbert
10. Who was the first English Christian king?

a) Alfred
b) Richard III
c) Richard II
d) Henry II
e) Ethelbert

11. In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, what is the fate of those who fail to observe the sacred duty of blood vengeance?

a) banishment to Asia
b) everlasting shame
c) conversion to Christianity
d) mild melancholia
e) being buried alive

12. Christian writers like the Beowulf poet looked back on their pagan ancestors with:

a) nostalgia and ill-concealed envy.
b) bewilderment and visceral loathing.
c) admiration and elegiac sympathy.
d) bigotry and shallow triumphalism.
e) the deepest reluctance.

13. The use of "whale-road"for sea and "life-house"for body are examples of what literary technique, popular in Old English poetry?

a) symbolism
b) simile
c) metonymy
d) kenning
e) appositive expression

14. Which of the following statements is not an accurate description of Old English poetry?

a) Romantic love is a guiding principle of moral conduct.
b) Its formal and dignified use of speech was distant from everyday use of language.
c) Irony is a mode of perception, as much as it was a figure of speech.
d) Christian and pagan ideals are sometimes mixed.
e) Its idiom remained remarkably uniform for nearly three centuries.

15. Which of the following best describes litote, a favorite rhetorical device in Old English poetry?

a) embellishment at the service of Christian doctrine
b) repetition of parallel syntactic structures
c) ironic understatement
d) stress on every third diphthong
e) a compound of two words in place of a single word

16. How did Henry II, the first of England's Plantagenet kings, acquire vast provinces in southern France?

a) the Battle of Hastings
b) Saint Patrick's mission
c) the Fourth Lateran Council
d) the execution of William Sawtre
e) his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine

17. Which of the following languages did not coexist in Anglo-Norman England?

a) Latin
b) Dutch
c) French
d) Celtic
e) English

18. Which twelfth-century poet or poets were indebted to Breton storytellers for their narratives?

a) Geoffrey Chaucer
b) Marie de France
c) Chrétien de Troyes
d) a and c only
e) b and c only

19. To what did the word the roman, from which the genre of "romance"emerged, initially apply?

a) a work derived from a Latin text of the Roman Empire
b) a story about love and adventure
c) a Roman official
d) a work written in the French vernacular
e) a series of short stories

20. Popular English adaptations of romances appealed primarily to

a) the royal family and upper orders of the nobility
b) the lower orders of the nobility
c) agricultural laborers
d) the clergy
e) the Welsh

21. What is the climax of Geoffrey of Monmouth's The History of the Kings of Britain?

a) the reign of King Arthur
b) the coronation of Henry II
c) King John's seal of the Magna Carta
d) the marriage of Henry II to Eleanor of Aquitaine
e) the defeat of the French by Henry V

22. Ancrene Riwle is a manual of instruction for

a) courtiers entering the service of Richard II
b) translators of French romances
c) women who have chosen to live as religious recluses
d) knights preparing for their first tournament
e) witch-hunters and exorcists

23 The styles of The Owl and the Nightingale and Ancrene Riwle show what about the poetry and prose written around the year 1200?

a) They were written for sophisticated and well-educated readers.
b) Writing continued to benefit only readers fluent in Latin and French.
c) Their readers' primary language was English.
d) a and c only
e) a and b only

24. In addition to Geoffrey Chaucer and William Langland, the "flowering"of Middle English literature is evident in the works of which of the following writers?

a) Geoffrey of Monmouth
b) the Gawain poet
c) the Beowulf poet
d) Chrétien de Troyes
e) Marie de France

Friday, May 15, 2015



1. There was aware of her true love, at length come riding by - This is a couplet from the Bailiff's Daughter of Islington. What figure of speech is used by the poet?

a. Metaphor
b. Synecdoche
c. Euphemism
d. Irony

2. Which culture is known for their long, rhymic poetic verses known as Qasidas?

a. Hindu
b. Celtic
c. Arabic
d. Arameic

3. Complete this Shakespearan line - Let me not to the marriage of true minds bring:

a. Impediments
b. Inconveniences
c. Worries
d. Troubles

4. Which of the following is a Japanese poetic form?

a. Jintishi
b. Villanelle
c. Ode
d. Tanka

5. What is the title of the poem that begins thus - 'What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare'?

a. Comfort
b. Leisure
c. Relaxation
d. Tranquility

6. Which of the following is not an English poet (i. e.  from England)?

a. Victor Hugo
b. Alexander Pope
c. John Milton
d. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

7. Who was often called as the Romantic Poet as most of his poems revolved around nature?

a. William Blake
b. William Shakespeare
c. William Morris
d. William Wordsworth

8. What is a funny poem of five lines called?

a. Quartet
b. Limerick
c. Sextet
d. Palindrome

9. How did W. H. Auden describe poetry?

a. An awful way to earn a living
b. A game of knowledge
c. The soul exposed
d. An explosion of language

10. Sassoon and Brooke wrote what kind of poetry?

a. Light verse
b. Romantic
c. Political satire
d. War poems

11. Where did T. S. Eliot spend most of his childhood?

a. Denver
b. St Louis
c. Cuba
d. Toronto

12. Ted Hughes was married to which American poetess?

a. Carolyn Kizer
b. Mary Oliver
c. Sylvia Plath
d. Marianne Moore

13. How old was Rupert Brooke at the time of his death?

a. 24
b. 31
c. 21
d. 28

14. In what form did Dylan Thomas's 'Under Milk Wood' first become known?

a. Book of poetry
b. A radio play
c. A stage play
d. a short film

15. The magazine 'Contemporary Poetry and Prose' was inspired by which exhibition?

a. The Festival of Britain
b. The Surrealist Exhibition
c. People of the 20th Century
d. Drawing the 20th CEntury

16. Why did 'Poetry Quarterly' cease publication in 1953?

a. Owner convicted of fraud
b. Fall in Sales
c. Rise in taxation on magazines
d. Shortage of paper

17. Aldous Huxley was a poet, but was better known as what?

a. Politician
b. Dramatist
c. Novelist
d. Architect

18. Of which poet was it said 'Even if he's not a great poet, he's certainly a great something'?

a. Elliot
b. Kipling
c. Cummings
d. Brooke
19.which of these is magnum opus of chaucer?

A. Troilus and criseyde
b. House of fame
c. The canterbury tales
d. Parliament of fowls.

20. Where were the pilgrims going in the canterbury tales?

A. To the shrine of st. Peter at canterbury cathedral
b. To the shrine of saint thomas becket at canterbury cathedral which language the stories of canterbury tale are written?

A. French
b. Latin
c. Middle english
d. English

22.chaucer's franklin was guilty of which sin?

A. Lust
b. Corruption
c. Theft
d. Gluttony

23. How many languages did chaucer know?


24.from which language the name ''chaucer'' has been driven?


25. Where did chaucer bury? 

A.westminster abbey
b.kent church
c.chapel at windsor

26.chaucer was imprisoned during----------------------?

A.hundred years' war
b. Black death
c. Peasant revolt

27 .how many children chaucer had?



1. Which of the following is not a work of John Keats?

b.To some ladies
c.To hope
d.None of above

2. Who wrote the poems, "On death" and "Women, Wine, and Snuff?"

a.John Milton
b.John Keats
c.P.B. Shelley
d.William Wordsworth

3. "Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our woe, With loss of Eden."

This is an extract from:
a.Paradise Lost
b.Paradise Regained
c.Samson Agonistes
d.Divorce Tracts

4. William Shakespeare was born in the year:


5. Which of the following is not a Shakespeare tragedy?

a.Titus Andronicus
e.None of the above

6. Who wrote 'The Winter's Tale?'

a.George Bernard Shaw
b.John Dryden
c.Christopher Marlowe
d.William Shakespeare

7. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

a) No difference. Simply two different ways in referring to the same thing.
b) A simile is more descriptive.
c) A simile uses as or like to make a comparison and a metaphor doesn't.
d) A simile must use animals in the comparison.

8. What is the word for a "play on words"?

a) pun
b) simile
c) haiku
d) metaphor

9. Which represents an example of alliteration?

a) Language Arts
b) Peter Piper Picked Peppers
c) I like music.
d) A beautiful scenery with music

10. What is the imitation of natural sounds in word form?

a) Personification
b) Hyperboles
c) Alliteration
d) Onomatopoeia

11. The theme is ...?
a) a plot.
b) an character
c) an address
d) the point a writer is trying to make about a subject.

12. Concentrate on these elements when writing a good poem.

a) characters, main idea, and theme
b) purpose and audience
c) theme, purpose, form, and mood.
d) rhyme and reason

13. Which is not a poetry form?

a) epic
b) tale
c) ballad
d) sonnet

14. Which is an example of a proverb?

a) Get a "stake" in our business.
b) You can't have your cake and eat it, too
c) The snow was white as cotton.
d) You're driving me crazy.

15. Which is an exaggeration?

a) Alliteration
b) Haiku
c) Hyperbole
d) Prose

16. Which of the following is not a poet?

a) William Shakespeare
b) Terry Saylor
c) Elizabeth B. Browning
d) Emily Dickinson

17. Who has defined 'poetry' as a fundamental creative act using languages?

a. H. W. Longfellow
b. Ralph Waldo Emerson
c. Dylan Thomas
d. William Wordsworth

18. What is a sonnet?

a. A poem of six lines
b. A poem of eight lines
c. A poem of twelve lines
d. A poem of fourteen lines

19. What is study of meter, rhythm and intonation of a poem called as?

a. Prosody
b. Allegory
c. Scansion
d. Assonance

20. Which figure of speech is it when a statement is exaggerated in a poem?

a. Onomatopeia
b. Metonymy
c. Alliteration
d. Hyperbole


1. Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city?

a. Vancouver
b. Toronto
c. Ottowa
d. Montreal

2. Which of the following words describe the prevailing attitude of High-Modern Literature?

e.Both a & c

3. Which Welsh poet wrote "Under Milk Wood?"

a.Anthony Hopkins
b.Richard Burton
c.Tom Jones
d.Dylan Thomas

4. Who wrote Canterbury Tales?

a.Geoffrey Chaucer
b.Dick Whittington
c.Thomas Lancaster
d.King Richard II

5. Who wrote "The Hound of the Baskervilles?"

a.Agatha Christie
b.H Ryder-Haggard
c.P D James
d.Arthur Conan Doyle

6. Wlliam Shakespeare is not the author of:

a.Titus Andronicus
b.Taming of the Shrew
c.White Devil

7. ___________is a late 20th century play written by a woman?

a.Queen Cristina
b.Top Girls
d.The Homecoimg

8. Which of the following writers wrote historical novels?

a.Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte
b.Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth
c.William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
d.Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley

9. Who wrote "Ten Little Niggers?"

a.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
b.Irvine Welsh
c.Agatha Christie
d.None of above

10. Which of the following are Thomas Hardy books?

a.The Poor Man and the Lady
b.The Return of Native
d.None of the above

Thursday, May 14, 2015


1. A poem that generally has meter and rhyme
  1. lyric
  2. free verse
  3. narrative

2. Sylvia Plath married which English poet?

a. Masefield
b. Causley
c. Hughes
d. Larkin

3. Carl Sandburg 'Planked whitefish' contains what kind of imagery?

a. Sea scenes
b. Rural Idyll
c. War
d. Innocent childhood

4. Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?

a. Emily Dickinson
b. Paul Dunbar
c. John Greenleaf Whittier
d. Walt Whitman

5. In 1960 'The Colossus' was the first book of poems published by which poetess?

a. Elizabeth Bishop
b. Sylvia Plath
c. Marianne Moore
d. Laura Jackson

6. In his poem Kipling said 'If you can meet with triumph and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '?
a. Glory
b. Ruin
c. Disaster
d. victory

7. Which of the following is not a literary device used for aesthetic effect in poetry?

a. Assonance
b. Onomatopaea
c. Rhyme
d. Grammar

8. True or false: Writing predates poetry.
a. True
b. False

9. What is the earliest surviving European poem?

a. The Homeric epic
b. The Gilgamesh epic
c. The Deluge epic
d. The Hesiodic ode

10. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?
a. The Epic
b. The Comic
c. The Occult
d. The Tragic

11. What is the study of poetry's meter and form called?

a. Prosody
b. Potology
c. Rheumatology
d. Scansion

12. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?

a. Alliterative verse
b. Sonnet form
c. Iambic pentameter
d. Dactylic hexameter

13. Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry?

a. William Carlos Williams
b. Emily Dickinson
c. Gerard Manly Hopkins
d. Robert Frost

14. Who wrote this famous line: 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day/ Thou art more lovely and more temperate…'

a. TS Eliot
b. Lord Tennyson
c. Charlotte Bronte
d. Shakespeare

15. From what century does the poetic form the folk ballad date?

a. The 12th
b. The 14th
c. The 17th
d. The 19th

16. From which of Shakespeare's plays is this famous line: 'Did my heart love til now?/ Forswear it, sight/ For I never saw a true beauty until this night'

a. A Midsummer Night's Dream
b. Hamlet
c. Othello
d. Romeo and Juliet

17. What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word?

a. Alliterative
b. Epic
c. Acrostic
d. Haiku

18. Auld Lang Syne is a famous poem by whom?

a. Sir Walter Scott
b. William Butler Yeats
c. Henry Longfellow
d. Robert Burns

19. How has Stephen Dunn been described in 'the Oxford Companion to 20th Century Poetry?

a. A poet of middleness
b. Capturing a sense of spiritual marooness
c. One of the leading prairie poets
d. Has some distinction as a critic

20. 'The Cambridge school' refers to a group who emerged when?

a. The 1900's
b. The 1960's
c. The 1920's
d. The 1930's

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


1. A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry
  1. rhyme scheme
  2. meter
  3. alliteration
2. The repetition of similar ending sounds
  1. alliteration
  2. onomatopoiea
  3. rhyme
3. Applying human qualities to non-human things
  1. personification
  2. onomatopoeia
  3. alliteration
4. The repetition of beginning consonant sounds
  1. rhyme
  2. onomatopoeia
  3. alliteration
5. A comparison of unlike things without using a word of comparison such as like or as
  1. metaphor
  2. simile
  3. personification
6. The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as
  1. metaphor
  2. simile
  3. personification
7. Using words or letters to imitate sounds
  1. alliteration
  2. simile
  3. onomatopoeia
8. a description that appeals to one of the five senses
  1. imagery
  2. personification
  3. metaphor
9. A poem that tells a story with plot, setting, and characters
  1. lyric
  2. free verse
  3. narrative
10. A poem with no meter or rhyme
  1. lyric
  2. free verse
  3. narrative


1. Which poem ends 'I shall but love thee better after death'?
a. How do I love thee
b. Ode to a Grecian urn
c. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes
d. Let me not to the marriage of true minds

2. Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece?
a. John keats
b. Lord Byron
c. Solan
d. Sappho

3. Which kind of poem is Edward Lear associated with?
a. Nature
b. Epics
c. Sonnets
d. Nonsense

4. In coleridge's poem 'The rime of the Ancient Mariner'where were the three gallants going?
a. A funeral
b. A wedding
c. Market
d. To the races

5. Harold Nicholson described which poet as 'Very yellow and glum. Perfect manners'?
a. e. e. Cummings
b. T. S. Elliot
c. John Greenleaf Whittier
d. Walt Whitman

6. What was strange about Emily Dickinson?
a. She rarely left home
b. She wrote in code
c. She never attempted to publish her poetry
d. She wrote her poems in invisible ink

7. Rupert Brooke wrote his poetry during which conflict?
a. Boer War
b. Second World War
c. Korean War
d. First World War

8. Which Poet Laureate wrote about a church mouse?
a. Betjeman
b. Hughes
c. Marvel
d. Larkin

9. Which American writer published 'A brave and startling truth' in 1996
a. Robert Hass
b. Jessica Hagdorn
c. Maya Angelou
d. Micheal Palmer

10. Who wrote about the idyllic 'Isle of Innisfree'?
a. Dylan Thomas
b. Ezra Pound
c. W. B. Yeats
d. e. e. cummings


1-The Novelist Rudyard Kipling spent some years at Lahore.
2-Caesura in Poetry is a pause indicated by a comma.
3-Mathew Arnold called the Eighteen century as the age of prose and reason.
4-I.A.Richards used the term 'New Critics' for the first time.
5-H.G.Wells is the author of 'The Time Machine'.
6-Oscar Wilde Wrote that' A cynic is a man who knows the piece of everything and the value of nothing'.
7-Comedy of manners got three things such as courtship, satire, wit, while comedy of humours lack them.
8-Fileding's Joseph Andrews parodies Richardson's Pamela.
9-Blake printed his own works by a mehtod devised by himself.
10-Alice in Wonderland is written by Lewis Carroll.